Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are purely fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental
It is 2040 and the total world population stands at 9.2 billion, the ecosystem remains imbalanced as the G20 merged into a separate economy, establishing a new advanced form of government ran by quantum super-computers and isolating the 3rd world countries... Survival of the fittest remains to be the mechanism in the society, physical devices are all connected to the internet and all transactions are facilitated and monitored thru the Hedera Hashgraph Technology all under the control of G20. 90% of the civilization lived on vitaminwater as the people remained inside their houses, their brains connected to Metapods™️ where they interact to the society, worked and grind virtually in the system through the Metaverse™️. Humanity has died 15 years ago when Metaverse™️ was embraced by the society. Then came an ideology that started from outside the G20 government, an uprising started to build up and the insurgents are hidden in the Metaverse™️ through a secret organization called The Skeleton Gang™️, like trojan horses waiting for the right time to disrupt the system and destabilize the government, will they bring Humanity back? can they bring Humanity back? the chances are zero... no chance at all... or...
0.000000000000000000000000001% chance
still, it's better to try and take a chance than to never have tried at all...
Last updated